Georgia Tech Rowing

Campaign Regener8+ The Fleet

Thank you so much for everyone's generosity towards the Regener8+ The Fleet campaign. In 8 weeks, we smashed our goal of $40,000, providing the team with two new 8+'s in the Spring of the 2023-2024 season.

Our two winners to name the boats are the "GT Women's Crew" group, comprised of rowers, coxswains, and coaches on the women's team during the late 90s, and the "1997 Varsity Lightweight 8+," which was the first GT boat ever to attend IRAs.

The following names will be inscribed on the walls adjacent to the boats' seats:

Women's Boat

  • C - Peter Brinker-Uys
  • 8 - Prasad & Suchithra Upadhyayula
  • 7 - Lee Thackston
  • 6 - Natalie Woody
  • 5 - Harriet & Scott Monnig
  • 4 - Cameron Francis Troxel
  • 3 - Philip Russell
  • 2 - Hunter Dreidame
  • 1 - Shelly Holdren

Men's Boat

  • C - David Jimenez
  • 8 - Mike Smith
  • 7 - Marcus Milard
  • 6 - Cliff Cantrell
  • 5 - Steven Georgalis
  • 4 - Zac Reed
  • 3 - Jeremy Hutcherson
  • 2 - Joshua Vose
  • 1 - Gil Nowell

For those of you still interested in helping the team, please join us in supporting GT Crew with monthly contributions to our endowment you can find here. No matter the size, every gift will make a big difference to GT Crew this season. Please contact with any questions.

$40,000 Goal

Thank you to our Donors

Andrea Gimon
Anijka Stone
Anne-Marie DeBacker
Beth York
Betsy Carter
Bob Baxley
Cameron Francis Troxel
Cassi Niemann
Charles Anderson
Clifford Cantrell
David Jimenez
Ethan Johnson
Faith Xu
Galvin Brady
Gil Nowell
Hannah Lachmayr
Hannah Murray
Harriet & Scott Monnig
Hunter Dreidame
J.P. Brinker-Uys Foundation
Janet Kinard
Jennifer Skudlarek
Jeremy Mucha
Jessica Pohl
Jim Kowalski
Jo Tomkiewicz
Joe Nastasi
Joel Peters
Josh Vose
Justin Brinkworth
Kaela Frazier
Karen and Rob Pierce
Karthik Krishnan
Katherine Gillard
Katherine Jewison
Kathleen H. Allen
Kelly Gower Demestihas
Kris Batol
Larry and Lea Bay
Laura Solomon
Laurane Saliou
Lee Thackston
Liz Birthright
Lopa Krishnan
Lynn Thomas
Maddie Becker
Mark Filer
Mark Kiefert and Jamie Traynor
Melissa Hallow
Michael and Laura Boutwell
Mike Smith
Nancy King
Natalie Woody
Nathan Hines
Nick Grivas
Philip Russell
Prasad and Suchithra Upadhyayula
Raja Schaar
Randy Lampert
Rhiannon Morgan Jones
Ross Beattie
Sara Willson-Thacker
Sarah A Sassler
Sarah Nastasi
Sean McLeskey
Shane Belcher
Shelly Holdren
Slim Price
Steven Georgalis
Suzanna-Grace Sayre
Tammy Proctor
The Family of June Weitnauer
The Galloway School
Theresa LeCroy
Thomas Evans
Tim Maryak
Will and Sarah Kimbrough